Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A few tipz

There are a few tips and/or tricks we've learned over time that we wanted to share...

*You don't always have to go expensive to get the best.  We've tried many brands of polishes & have found that Pure Ice (WalMart), Love My Nails (WalMart) and Sally Hansen Hard as Nails XTreme Wear (WalMart, drugstores) are the best ones.  They all dry pretty quickly.  The XTreme Wear not quite as quickly but it is a nice, thick, pretty tough polish.

*Art Deco nail art polishes are avaliable at the dollar store, they have lots of colors!

*We've also found a lot of our nail stickers at dollar stores.  Check around, you may be surprised at what you find.  :)

*When doing French style tips, they don't HAVE to be white...color, color, color!  We use seasonal colors. Around the holidays we may use cranberry, gold, etc.  Spring we use bright colors.  

*Our manicure set we bought at KMart for less than $2.  It came with the metal file, cuticle pusher, cuticle trimmer, clippers, & buffer.  We added a couple more regular files & tweezers.

*The cuticle pusher & tweezers come in handy when applying designs.  I think we use them more for that than what they're actually made for.  Lol

*Nail polish strips don't necessarily have to cover your entire creative!  (They're also expensive so making the most of what you spend is a plus!)

*Sometimes plain is fine.  If you find a hot color, rock it!  Any way!

*BE PATIENT!  It really does take some time to master one big problem I'm sure most of us have...doing the opposite hand.  I know we sure did!  You can get one hand done, perfectly.  The other looks like you let a 2 year old have at it!  Well, it truly does just take a little practice (and probably a lot of nail polish remover) to master it.  But we're sure you can.  :)


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